Kay Shilling Brubaker

November 1, 1939 - January 15, 2018

Standing tall, strong, and quiet,
watching over the field
of her making
with pride and steadfast love.
Perhaps overlooked or dismissed, yet
Always shelter-bound 
for the little ones there.

Remember now and forever.
Hold the memory steady in hearts
and planted firmly in souls,
'til the day we sit once again beneath
the shade from whence we came.
Love, like autumn leaves,
falling among us, never ending,
slowly weaving around us,
comforting, stable,
even in the coldest days.
  1. In Arcata
  2. Carol's Wedding Party
  3. Matron of Honor
  4. Matron of Honor
  5. The Grandparents
  6. Prom Night
  7. The Shilling Kids
  8. Kay and Jack
  9. Kay and Jack
  10. 418 Washington Place
  11. The Shilling Kids
  12. Baby Kay
  13. Wedding
  14. The Shilling Kids
  15. Carol's Wedding
  16. Charleston, South Carolina
  17. Linda's Wedding
  18. Kay and Kids
  19. With Family
  20. The Shilling Kids
  21. Christmas
  22. The Shilling Kids' Kids
  23. Kay & Oreo
  24. Sue, Kay, and Carol
  25. Kay and Carol
  26. A new grandchild
  27. Dresses for the Grandkids
  28. Visiting the Kids
  29. Kay and Jack
  30. Club Picture
  31. After the Storm
  32. Greer's Graduation
  33. The Fam
  34. With the Kids
  35. Pretty in Blue
  36. Kay, Anne, and Sue
  37. Opening Presents
  38. With the Boys
  39. With the Girls
  40. Kay and Grandkids
  41. Charleston's Storm
  42. All the Kids
  43. MK's Graduation in Arcata
  44. Dressed Up with the Kids
  45. Kay and Jack
  46. Carol's Wedding Reception
  47. Attending Alice's Funeral
  48. Matron of Honor
  49. Christmas in Elyria
  50. Kay and Marykay
  51. Kay's Kids
  52. Having fun in the Kitchen